Mar 07, 2023
Share2earn Timeline

Pre-registration for Shield fo Privacy closes at midnight on 05/03/2023 CET (Central European Time).
06/03/2023 - 14/03/2023
Test Program
The Test Program begins on 06/03/2023 and runs until 14/03/2023 on TestNet.
- Anyone can sign up: During the Test Program, anyone can sign up and join the Test & Share2Earn programs.
- Test Program goal: The Test Program’s goal is to demonstrate the use of blockchain technology and Concordium's ZKP ID Layer together with AesirX to address the two biggest challenges of the World Wide Web: Security and Privacy.
15/03/2023 to 24/03/2023
Test Program on Mainnet
The Test Program continues from 15/03/2023 to 24/03/2023 on MainNet.
- Earn 100 $CCD & 100 $AESIRX: Participants who pre-registered and were part of the first 2,500 sign-ups are eligible for earning $CCD for transactions and Minting for free on MainNet, as well as 100 $AESIRX.
- Earn up to 25 x 6 (150) $AESIRX: Through the AesirX Share2Earn program, each member of the Shield fo Privacy Community can earn up to 150 $AESIRX by referring registered Shield of Privacy IDs, with a reward of 25 $AESIRX per registered account.
- 250,000 $AESIRX bonus 1: When the total number of registered users with the help of the community reaches 2,500, a 250,000 $AESIRX bonus Share2Earn reward pool for the Community will be released.
- 110,000 $AESIRX bonus 2: If the Community reaches 5,000 sign-ups for Shield fo Privacy by 24/03/2023, an additional bonus of 110,000 $AESIRX will be released, making the total reward pool exceed $360,000 USD.